Boys in the Hood
Flag supporters rally on the steps of the state house in Columbia, South Carolina.

Yes They Did
A woman in Laurens, SC holds a photo of her uncle who was lynched.

Stare Down
Two women participating in a confederate flag support rally glare at a man walking home from work across the state house grounds in South Carolina.
Young Voices
A new generation of marchers take their opposition over the confederate flag to the streets of Myrtle Beach.
Maggie's Flag
Local and national NAACP leaders stir up the crowd at a rally in Myrtle Beach.
Teen Supremacists
Teenage residents of Myrtle Beach lean against their cars and chat with police officers as they watch a pro-confederate flag rally pass.

Confederate Butt
An inebriated NASCAR fan climbs atop his RV at 8 a.m. to get a good view of the race scheduled to start at 1 p.m. at Darlington Raceway.

Emancipation Proclamation
On the actual site where President Lincoln's representative first read the Emancipation Proclamation to a gathered crowd of enslaved people in Beaufort, SC, reenactors perform the scene annually on January 1.

Making it Real
Black re-enactors stare down confederate soldiers keep the legacy of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment alive. The regiment bravely assaulted Battery Wagner in Charleston Harbor.

Brown vs. Board of Education
A young boy rides to school as the sun rises over the fields in Clarendon County, S.C., which was one of the counties represented in the original Brown vs. Board of Education suit argued by then-lawyer Thurgood Marshall seeking access to busing for Black children. The boy’s mother is driving the bus; she herself was not allowed to ride the bus.

Freedom of the Mind
Children at the Freedom School in Bennettsville, S.C. where Marion Wright Edelman created the schools to promote self-esteem for Black children play a pick-up game of chess during recess.

This Land is My Land
Tobacco farmers hunt deer in their fields, on the land where their grandfathers planted crops. Many feel the heritage of the South doesn't mean slavery, it means living the legacy of a long line of farmers.

Land Legacy
A descendant of slaves maintains a cabin on the marsh that is now owned by her family. Her grandparents worked this land as slaves.

Truck Farming
Chris Ramsey drives a truck through the crops he planted on the 80 acres his grandparents left to him and four siblings on John’s Island.

Collard Greens
This bitter staple of the Lowcountry is part of every Geechee feast.

Father and Son
John Wienges and son help their crew collect stray cotton and pack it into the picker during a day’s harvest.

Strom and Santa
Strom Thurmond, grand marshall for the parade at the Chitlin’ Strut in Salley, S.C. works the crowd with Santa. The senior senator passed away June 2003 at the age of 100.

Exclusive White Societies
A doorman holds an umbrella over a senior arriving member of the Ladies Benevolent Society Tea in Charleston. Societies are members only.

Old Camp Meeting
Children gather on the porch at St. Paul Campground where 130-year-old buildings still stand, tucked away in the woods near Harleyville, S.C. to share their harvests. Descendants of the original families still gather to keep the legacy alive.