Iron Champs
The 2021 Crystal Pier race started out with crews having to navigate unruly swells and wind in the narrow Mission Bay Channel before reaching the open ocean for a 10 mile course.

Padres Champs
The Padres emerge from the dugout with champagne near midnight to celebrate clinching a division title. . Next stop New York for the World Series.

Crew Classic Vitory
The Wisconsin women's team, winners of the Women's Collegiate Lightweight race in Sunday's Crew Classic, launch their coxswain Erin Specht into the water to celebrate their victory.

San Diego's running superstar Meb Keflezighi outran the field to a stunning win in the half marathon in Sunday's Rock 'n' roll Marathon events with a time of one hour, two minutes and 40 seconds. The former San Diego High graduate and 2004 Olympic silver medalist was hoisted in the air at the finish line by his father Russom Keflezighi. Meb won the Boston Marathon the year following the tragic bombing there, then went on to the Olympics again.

Twice the Magic
Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson tangle at the Forum in L.A. back in the day.

Paddle for Clean Water
Hundreds gathered at Ocean Beach to paddle around the pier for the 20th annual Paddle for Clean Water, organized by Surfrider Foundation.

Dodging Dodgers
Sliding into second base, Dodger action.